日本にくらす 海外ルーツのママ・パパに 子育て等の "My Story" をはなしてもらいました。




We are happy to be shared of "My Story" of international parents in Japan. 
The words "international moms" "local moms" "gaikokujin moms" and "Japanese moms" do not fully express

the diverse strength and beauty of each one.  Let us listen and look at each of them and at ourselves :) 

These interviews have been supported by the KIRIN Welfare Foundation in FY2021 and 2022. 


あなたの元気げんきがでたり、いんすぴれーしょんになるStoryがあるとよいな、とねがっています !



 Instead of the general information and our opinions, these are real, personal stories and experiences

of our mom friends and dad friends.   Experiences, struggles of moms can be support and inspirations for other moms. 

Hope you will find some stories you can relate to and get inspirations!

あなたの日本にほんでのらしや子育こそだてのことを"My Story"として、ぜひ、しぇあしてください。


あなたの"My Story"がだれかのちからになるかもしれません。

にほんご、えいご どちらでもだいじょうぶです。翻訳ほんやくはまるまーるがします。


We would love to know your parenting stories as one of "My Story". 
Parenting involves laughters, smiles, struggles, and tears - your stories may give inspirations and energies
to other mom and dad friends.  
You can write either in Japanese or English and we will do necessary translation.

Let us know if you are thinking about writing in other languages.

Please contact us 〈here〉 if you are interested!