


3月3日がつ にちは「ひなまつり」です。

 3月3日がつ にちはひなまつり。桃の節句もも せっくともいます。


女の子おんな こすこやかな成長せいちょうしあわせをいのります。














ひな人形にんぎょうは、女の子おんな こおやう?

女の子おんな こまれると、その最初さいしょのひなまつり(初節句はつせっく)までにひな人形にんぎょう用意よういします。




いつかざる? いつ片付かたづける?









ひなまつりの食べ物た ものには「ひしもち」や「ひなあられ」「ひな寿司ずし」「ハマグリのお吸い物す もの」などがあります。



  • ひしもち それぞれのいろ意味いみがあります。はる季節きせついろどっているともいわれます。
  • ハマグリのお吸い物す もの


はるらしい食べ物た ものがいろいろあります。どもがべられるものをえらんでくださいね。





幼稚園や保育園ようちえん ほいくえんでは、ひな人形にんぎょう折り紙お がみったり、かざりをつくったり、うたうたったりしておいわいします。






ちいさいころ、「みんなが寝静ねしずまるとひな人形にんぎょうおどりだす」とか「動き出うご だす」とかいわれ、

次の日の朝つぎ ひ あさになると位置いち髪の毛かみ けなどがうごいていないか、もとにあった場所ばしょにあるかを




だから、本当ほんとううごくのではないかと思おもうほど、髪の毛かみ け手先てさき着物きものなどとてもこまかく、





March 3rd is Hinamatsuri. 

March 3rd is Hinamatsuri, also called Momo-no-sekku.

It’s a day to celebrate girls’ healthy growth and happiness with Hina dolls and special dishes.




What is "Hina dolls", or Hina ningyo?

Hina dolls are a set of the Emperor (Odairisama) doll and Empress (Ohinasama) doll.

Some come with other dolls that represent their servants, and they would make more altars. 

Many years ago, we used to see 5 or 7 step altars of Hina dolls and decorations, but recently we only see

the two most gorgeous Hina dolls at the top altar, which represents the Emperor (Odairisama) and Empress (Ohinasama). 


Some hina dolls are already set in a box for a compact and easy handling. 



Who is to Purchase the dolls?

When a girl is born in a family, the mother’s parents traditionally buy the Hina dolls before the girl’s first Hinamatsuri,

called "Hatsuzekku". 



When to Put out the dolls, and When to Put away?

The dolls are believed to take over the calamities such as illnesses and accidents from the girl,

so they are put away rather quickly after the 3rd. of March, thought to be not ideal to display it for a long time.

It is also said that if you keep them out too long, the girl will miss out on getting married.

To enjoy the season of Hinamatsuri, they tend to be displayed earlier, commonly after the first day of spring

on the lunar calendar as they are put away soon.



Special Dishes and their Meanings

Hinamatsuri has its unique dishes and food such as hina-zushi (chirashi sushi),

clear broth clam soup, hishimochi (diamond shaped mochi in layers of green, white, and pink),

and hina-arare (sweet rice crackers).

They all have meanings to it, like the three colors of hishimochi representing energy of land,

tree, and life, and clams representing the man the girl will meet in the future to be a perfect match,

like the pair of a clam, leading to happiness.   


Some cooking tutorials..  we can find some hina-matsuri themed cakes at stores too.




Celebrating the Hinamatsuri at preschools and at home

In preschools and day care, kids may fold hina dolls with origami and make decorations, and celebrate it with songs.


At home, hinamatsuri snacks like hina-arare are displayed together with the hina dolls and may be eaten around that time.

It is a celebration for girls especially when they are little, so hina dolls tend to be displayed

when they are younger and the customs seem to fade as they grow. 


The traditional dolls are so delicate and very well made from the tip of their fingers to hair, eyes, and even eyelashes,

not to mention the gorgeous Heian period Imperial clothing they wear.

There may be some kids who have been told that these Hina-dolls move around and have a party at night

once people are asleep in the house.

The dolls are that realistic that some kids check if the hair and hands are in the same place and position

as they were the night before! 


More on Hinamatsuri;