はろうぃん (10がつ)

Halloween in Japanese Style (October)



日本にほんでは、ハロウィンの文化ぶんかは ありませんでした。

2010年代ねんだいはいり、日本にほんでも ハロウィンをたのしむようになりました。








コロナのまえは、渋谷しぶやなどには仮装かそうしたひとたちが たくさん きていました。



コロナのまえは、どもむけの ハロウィンイベントが ありました。

ママたちはお友達ともだちあつまって仮装かそうパーティーをしたり、お菓子かし交換こうかんを していました。

コロナになって、そういうことが へっています。

2022ねんは、すこし ふえるかもしれませんね。

はろうぃんのおりがみ をつくって、おうちをかざるのもたのしいですよ。



Halloween in Japanese Style


Japan has developed its original style of Halloween in the recent years.


We do not enjoy the day in an American style where people carve Jack-o-lanterns

and children go trick-or-treating, but instead, it has become a big day to enjoy dressing up.


Before the pandemic, in big cities like Shibuya, young adults used to get together in masses, dressed up in
anything they wish to, 
and enjoy the day with parties, and drinks, however, with police in surveillance. 



Enjoy Local Halloween Events With Your Little Ones


In smaller cities and towns, there is an increasing number of municipalities

that hold events for children to enjoy Halloween. (Again, before the pandemic.) 


We used to see more kids in costumes walking around shopping malls and streets every year,

enjoying a Japanese style trick-or-treating with local shops in cooperation.

Many moms appeared to enjoy Halloween parties of their own, exchanging small bags of snacks,

dressing their babies up in costumes and uploading their photos on social media.
We might see some of them as the situation eases in 2022!



"Halloween in Japan: A Colorful Cosplay Culture of its Own!" on LIVE JAPAN travel guide 


We can enjoy decorating the house with Halloween-themed origami handcrafts and decoration items

at 100 Yen shops !