
Graduation Ceremony (sotsugyo-shiki)






先生せんせい保護者ほごしゃや 地域ちいきひとあつまり、おいわいのセレモニーをします。



学校がっこうのなかの、広い部屋ひろ  へやでやります。体育館たいいくかんでやることもあります。




生徒、先生、保護者せいと せんせい ほごしゃ地域の人ちいき ひとあつまり、おいわいのセレモニーをします。



  • ごあいさつ
  • 先生せんせいのおはなし(おいわいのスピーチ)
  • 来賓のお話らいひん  はなし地域の人ちいき ひとからの おいわいのスピーチ)
  • 卒業証書授与そつぎょうしょうしょじゅよ卒業そつぎょう証明しょうめいするかみをうけとります)
  • おわかれのうた
  • おな学校がっこうのせいとのお祝いわいのことば・うた
  • 記念撮影きねんさつえい(みんなで写真しゃしんをとります)


  • 制服せいふくがあるばあい、どもは制服を着せいふく きます。制服せいふくがない場合ばあいすこしフォーマルなふくます。

    着物きものや はかまを ひともいます。れんたるもあります。


  • 大人おとなすこしおしゃれをして いきます。

Graduation Ceremony (sotsugyo-shiki)


When and What is "Sotsugyo-shiki"?

It is a ceremony to celebrate the growth and graduation of the children from the school.
It is held in March.

Not only children, but also parents will participate in the ceremony.


Where Will it be Held?

It will be held in a large room in a school.

Sometimes it is held in their gymnasium.


What Do We Do?

Students, teachers, parents, and community members gather for a celebration ceremony.

This is what we usually do, and it usually takes about an hour.

  • Greetings
  • Teacher's talk (congratulatory speech)
  • Speech by the guest of honor (congratulatory speech by a member of the community)
  • Presentatin of "diploma"
  • Songs by graduating children
  • Congratulatory speeches and songs from the younger students
  • Commemorative group photo 

What To Wear?

If the school has uniform, the children will wear the uniform.

If the school does not have a uniform, the children will wear something a little more formal.
Some wear kimono or hakama.  There are rental services too.


Adults also dress up a little.

Moms often wear dresses and jackets, while dads wear business suits.