
Parent-Teacher Conference (kojin-mendan)













  • 学校がっこうでどんなふうにすごしているのか
  • いえでの様子ようす
  • 不安ふあんなや
  • 質問しつもんやおねがいしたいこと
  • 進路しんろについて   など



  • おたよりにある希望きぼうにちや時間じかんをえらんで先生せんせい提出ていしゅつする
    → あとから約束やくそく時間じかんをおしえてくれます
  • 先生せんせいはなしたいことをかんがえてメモをもっていきます
  • スリッパやIDカード、メモなどちものを確認かくにんする(おたよりにいてあります。)



Parent-Teacher Conference (kojin-mendan)


When your child starts going to school or preschool,

you will have a 個人面談こじんめんだん "kojin-mendan" with a homeroom teacher of your child.


It is a Parent-Teacher Conference between 保護者ほごしゃ (hogo-sha) (parent in many cases) and the teacher.

This is often held in the classroom of your child.

In some cases, it may be 三者面談さんしゃめんだん (sansha-mendan), where a child joins parent and teacher. 

It is a great opportunity for a parent to ask how they are spending their time at preschool/school,

discuss their acadmic achievements and relationship with friends, and other topics you want to

discuss with the teacher. 


Frequent Topics Are:

  •  How they are spending their time at the school
  • (Teachers will ask how they are at home)
  • Concerns
  • Questions or requests to the school
  • Future path 

Your Preparation:

  •  Choose your available date and time on  "otayori" (a handout from the chool), and 
     submit it to the teacher.  →You'll be notified of the appointment time.
  • Think about what you want to talk about with your teacher and prepare some notes.

On the conference day, check your slippers, ID card for school entry.
Necessary items are often shown on "otayori".  


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