
"Omiya Mairi"
Baby's First Visit to a Local Shrine



あかちゃんがうまれたことを、じんじゃに おれいしに いくことです。





あかちゃんやままのからだのぐあい しだいで、かえていいです。





あかちゃん、まま、ぱぱ、おばあちゃん、おじいちゃん がいくことがおおいです。
















ふだんよりも きちんとしたふくをきます。

ままはわんぴーすなど、ぱぱは すーつ をきます。


きねん写真しゃしん予約よやくすると、「おいわいぎ」をれんたる してくれるおみせもあります。





  • おむつ
  • おしりふき
  • たおる
  • びにーるふくろ(おむつのごみをいれます)
  • おっぱいをあげるときのけーぷ 
  • みるくをのむあかちゃんには、みるく
  • みるくようのおゆ
  • だっこひも
  • かめら
  • おかね 


きねん写真しゃしんをとったり、れすとらんで ごはんをべることもあります。

でも、あかちゃんも ままも つかれるので、写真しゃしんも ごはんも


べつのひにしてもいいです。ままとぱぱで、はなしておきましょう !


きねん写真しゃしんをとってくれる すたじおもたくさんあります。


ゆうめいな すたじおは、こういうところです。

れすとらんで ごはんをべるなら、こしつ(へや)を予約よやくしておくと
あかちゃんがないたときにも あんしんです。

すてきな1にち になりますように!


What Is "Omiya Mairi"? 

It is a baby's first visit to a shrine to report and thank for the birth.



When Is It?


It is often done round 30 days after the birth,

but we can be flexible based on the conditions of baby and mom.
Thinking of COVID-19 - it is of course OK to postpone or not to do this event.



Where Do We Do It?


At a local shrine in your neighborhood.



Who Goes To the Shrine? 

Baby, parents, and grand parents are most typical members.
But this is also flexible since grand parents may live afar.



What Are We Supposed to Do at the Shrine?

We would visit the shrine and make prayers.

Some make advance reservations to have a special prayer called "gokitou". 

This is charged and you will need to bring the money in an envelope marked "初穂料はつほりょう". 



Required Attire?

Have something more formal than your ordinary clothing.

Moms often wear one-piece dress.

Dads often wear their business suits.

Babies weare "oiwai-gi", meaning "celebration dress".

Many take memorial photos at a photo studio, and they often offer rental "oiwai-gi".

You can check on famous studios below in this article.

Necessary items?

Omiya-mairi may be your first long day out with your baby, with lots of baby's items in your bag. 

Good luck - this is a sample list of items.

  • diapers
  • naps
  • towel
  • plastic bag(for used diapers)
  • cape for breastfeeding 
  • baby milk if necessary
  • bottle of hot water for baby milk
  • sling
  • camera
  • money

What Do We Do After the Visit to the Shrine?

Some visit the photo studio for memorial photos, and eat out at a restaurant.

It is of course OK straight home - the day will be long, both baby and parents can get tired. 

You can do them on another day as well.


Many studios offer memorial photo service. 

Check, and make advance reservations.

Here are some famous studios.


Photos and eating out are not required - it is totally up to the parents.


For restaurants, you may prefer reserving an individual room

for a greater peace of mind when the baby cries.

Have a wonderful day!

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