「こどもの」(5月5日がつ にち

Meaning of a national holiday "Kodomo-no-hi" (Children's Day)


5月5日がつ にちは「こどもの」という祝日しゅくじつです。ゴールデンウィーク最後さいご祝日しゅくじつです。




こどもの世界中せかいじゅう国々くにぐににあります。日本にほんでは、5月5日がつ にちです。




祝日しゅくじつとは、土曜日・日曜日以外どようび にちようびいがい休日きゅうじつです。

保育園・幼稚園・学校・仕事ほいくえん ようちえん がっこう しごとやすみになることがあります。


日曜日にちようび祝日しゅくじつのときは、そのよりあとの一番近い日いちばんちか ひ休日きゅうじつになります。



「こどもの」と「端午の節句たんご せっく


「こどもの」のことを「端午の節句たんご せっく」とよぶこともあります。 


端午の節句たんご せっく、「五節句ごせっく」という伝統行事でんとうぎょうじです。

奈良時代ならじだい(710 - 794ねん)からつづいています。

端午の節句たんご せっく男の子おとこ こ節句せっくわれています。
女の子の節句おんな こ せっくは「桃の節句もも せっく」=ひなまつりです。



 そして、こどものは「国民の祝日こくみん しゅくじつ」です。








公園や川こうえん かわでたくさんのこいのぼりをあげるイベントもあります。




そして、侍の鎧や兜さむらい よろい かぶとかざります。

鎧や兜よろい かぶとどもをまもるためだとされています。









柏餅かしわもち」は、柏の葉で餅を包かしわ は もち つつんであります。

餅の中もち なかには、あんこがはいっています。(くろあん、しろあん、みそあんがあります。)


「ちまき」は、笹の葉ささ はでもちごめつつんであります。









"Kodomo-no-hi" (Children's Day)


May 5th is Children's Day in Japan.
It is the last holiday of Golden Week.

Children's Day is "a day to honor the character and happiness of children and to thank their mothers"

(according to the National Holidays Law).

Children's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world and in Japan it falls on May 5th. 



What is "Shuku-jitsu" ?

Japan has a unique set of "shuku-jitu", which may be directly translated as "celebration day".

Literally, they are holidays.  Nursery schools, kindergartens, schools, and workplaces may be closed. 

If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the next closest day becomes a holiday.


What is the difference between "Kodomo-no-hi" and "Tango-no-sekku"?

You may have heard the word "tango-no-sekku".  
It is a boy's day in Japanese traditional customs and it has been around since the Nara period (710-794) called "Go-Sekku.”


The difference is that Children's Day is a "national holiday."

Tango-no-Sekku is said to be a boy's day, however, Children's Day does not distinguish between boys and girls.




Special Decorations?

On Children's Day, carp streamers ("koinobori") are raised to wish for the healthy growth of children.

This started in the Edo period.  Nowdays there are even koinobori stickers for walls!

Events are held to hang koinobori over the rivers or in parks. 
Though many are cancelled due to the COVID-19 in 2021, you can see how they look like here.

 (Unfortulately written only in Japanese.)


People decorate dolls with samurai armor and kabuto helmets.

The armor and helmet are meant to protect children.


We can also enjoy some handcrafts too!


Special Food?

Here are some things we eat on Children’s Day. 


Kashiwa mochi, mochi wrapped in oak leaves and chimaki, sticky sweet rice wrapped in bamboo leaves,

are traditionally eaten on this day. 
Inside kashiwa mochi is sweet beans (anko), and you will have choices of kuro (black) -an, shiro (made of white beans) -an,

and miso-an.


We also eat bamboo shoots.

The season for bamboo shoots is from April to Golden Week.

Bamboo shoots are the perfect food for Children's Day.

The bamboo shoot is a symbol of the wish that children will grow up straight and healthy.


Have fun on this last holiday of Golden Week!

こちらもどうぞ  More on MarMar: